Monday, December 8, 2008

Eli: Personal Reflection

The concept of Death Chair isn't hard to grasp. At least in theory. But once you have tasted the sweetness of a Death Chair victory there is no turning back. It rivals all other sports both in terms of athleticism, concentration and ballsyness. Anyone who has seriously competed knows that it may seem simple but is far from it. Like chess Death Chair requires that you are always thinking five moves ahead. Like football it requires team unity and and constant training. And finally, like partner ice-skating it requires a finesse and gracefullness that only a true athlete can understand.

At first I was nervous. Wheel chair racing is similar to chariot racing in terms of physical danger and stamina, however, after my first race, which I won, I was hooked.

To the average person it looks crazy, lame or perhaps even stupid. Yet, I know, as does anyone who has ever competed in a Death Chair race, that it is the single most exhilarating thing a human can do. It is funner than alcohol, drugs and sex... combined. Simply put it is

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